Scribe Development Blog

The lastest news about Scribe and ScribeUI

Week 3

Hi everyone! Here is my third report for the ScribeUI project.

Completed this week

  • I had to update CodeMirror to highlight the errors the way I wanted. This update involved fixing a lot of bugs as the previous version was almost 3 years old.
  • I fixed a few bugs related to the logs
  • The errors are now highlighted in the result tab. When an error occurs, you can click on it in the logs to go to its location in the result tab.

Plan for next week

  • The first objective of the summer, improving the error output and debugging is almost complete. I want to add a link in the debug to focus on the correct layer in the Scribe editor section.
  • I will review my work so far with my mentors to see if there’s anything else I should add to these features
  • If everything goes well, I will do a first pre-release and announce it on the mapserver users mailing list.

Blocking issues

  • I had a few problems while updating CodeMirror but they’re all solved now.

Have a nice week-end!