Scribe Development Blog

The lastest news about Scribe and ScribeUI

Release 1.8

Summary of the update

Hello everyone! I am releasing today a third update for ScribeUI, for the 2015 edition of Google Summer of Code. This is the final feature update for the summer, which adds a new classifying feature.


Classify is a new plugin that adds a button to automatically create classes from a set of data. To use it, start by opening a map. On the left side of the screen, you will find a Classify button:


Clicking on it will make a new popup appear:

Classify Menu

  • Group/Layer specifies in which group the classes should be added

  • Data source gives you a list of the data sources in the selected layer. Choose the one you want to use to make classes.

  • Field is the field to classify. The fields available are those found in the selected data source.

  • Class type is a choice between Qualitative, where all individual values have their own class, and Quantitative, where ranges of values have a class.

  • Colors defines the colors to use for the classes, if any. When clicking on Choose, this menu will appear:

Color menu

To add a single color, choose one by clicking on the black square (if you use Chrome or Firefox), or enter its hexadecimal value. Click on the Add button located on the right to add it to the selected colors.

To add a range of colors, choose the starting and last colors, as well as how many colors to generate, then click on Add.

To remove a selected color, press on it in the Selected colors area and click on Remove. To move it, click on Move left or Move right and to remove all the selected colors, click on Clear. When you’re done, press on Confirm in the bottom right of the popup.

When you’re done choosing colors, you will go back to the classify menu. To generate the classes, press on Confirm on the bottom right.

Here is an example of the kind of classes you can generate using this feature:



You can update ScribeUI to v1.8 by using these commands:

sudo chown -R youruser .
git pull
git checkout v1.8
sudo make perms

You will also need to install GDAL and create a path to it:

sudo apt-get install gdal-bin python-gdal
export CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/include/gdal
export C_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/include/gdal
